Tuesday, January 26, 2021

Letting Go Series :: Self-Sabotage

We want the change. We truly do. 

We want to ignore this self that rebels against our new momentum.

6 Masks that Self - Sabotage Wears

6. Staying inside your comfort zone - it keeps you from taking risks and making moves and reaching your potential.

5. Distraction - you focus on the 'extra' and end up exhausting yourself mentally, emotionally and physically so that ultimately you don't have enough of yourself to give towards your new change.

4. Shifting Responsibility - (a.k.a. blame) we shift the responsibility to another person or circumstance and we no longer feel in control, so it makes it easier to settle for less than our best or less than we deserve.

3. Negative self-talk - believe you can and you will; believe you can't and you won't...it's that simple.

2. Procrastination - you'll do it later, or after scrolling through social media or reading the news or cleaning, baking, or going through your house like Marie Kondo...

1. Perfectionism - you wait to do something until you will be perfect at it...you'll either wait forever or never will be satisfied.

Part of my self-sabotage towards health emotionally, mentally, spiritually and physically is often with my relationship with food so here is a worthy saying: 

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