Friday, January 29, 2021

Thoughts and History Collide

I'm not sure what I want out of today. 
It has already proven to be slightly confusing with a one-hour delay due to ice for the kiddos to begin their schooling. One opens a Chromebook in our work room and one is transported to his school to attend his in-person second grade class.

I awoke in a "tizzy" and feel like I haven't recovered from the abrupt way I woke up.

The puppy continues to be playful when it isn't quite time to be playful and then falls asleep at unexpected times and the house gets really, really quiet.

I normally welcome this quiet and either fill it with a workout session, a treadmill running session or with a Bible study. But today I feel more "off" than normal and almost feel like I need a lot of caffeine to become focused and situated. 

Once upon a time I would fill out the 5-Second Rule Journal I made for myself once I went through Mel Robbin's Mindset Reset course in the beginning of 2019. It was very helpful and part of the process is writing down the top 3-5 things that you desire to accomplish within your day and then setting the time when you would stop your work. 

It is possible that the confusion and unpreparedness of this morning has muddied my mind and now I must re-centre, re-calibrate, re-evaluate and pause. 

So I pause, while looking out the front window onto the beaming white snow hit just right by the sun to almost blind my eye gaze. I wonder what my neighbors are doing (something far more noble than I, I suppose, living life and doing routines). 

What a different life I am living than originally I had thought that I would. As a youngster, it simply made sense to me that one grows up, has a family and continues to live life with some purpose while going to work to further the world and to continue to love our communities. The thought had not occurred to me that I might not pursue a career or that my children would experience a life much different than my reunions, extended family gatherings, sport practices and school activities...even church activities and social gatherings.

Even before COVID-19 was a thing, we lived a very different life with me working full-time as my oldest turned four and we moved to a new town. Roots looked very different to this gal who grew up in one area and knew her friends all the way from kindergarten to graduation and also met other community kids along the way. My sons were already being brought up in a place I did not know, I could not know.

Feeling like a fish out of water, became my normal long-ago when moving out of my house and into a college dorm room eight hours away. Even when it felt like something was becoming known, another semester would begin and it felt like square one all over again.

Moving from small town-medium community to tiny college-smaller community to then huge university at University of Louisville and medium city is enough to make a fish become a puffer fish with spikes that has to insulate itself from all the unknowns.

Louisville felt beyond whimsical and overwhelming.  It was a feeling of significance again being in a small, somewhat perceived "elite" specialization at a large university. It's where my voice had to grow and my wings had to be built as well as some tough skin. The puffer fish gradually deflated as the surroundings became more familiar and exploration was more invigorating. The stories that were witnessed as my therapist mind was being developed was empowering and traumatic.

There was one particular client who was blind and it was obvious at the beginning that she walked into the room with a very heavy burden. The out of body experience during that session was very real as I listened to her trauma of essentially being gang-raped. This small town girl, from a conservative Christian home in Indiana who knew mostly basketball and high-achieving growing up was witness to pure evil in this client's story. It was all very surreal.

Running became the main outlet and was followed up with races and eventually a full-marathon. It was the most therapeutic gift I could give myself as my body and mind needed to process through the days' conversations and experiences. Literally it was either "Kara read or Kara run." One would happen or the other would happen and that was it.

Choice is a funny animal when presented with multiple options. It often feels paralyzing to see many choices and paths that can be taken. This is the perspective I found as I we continued in the city. I knew we would move and I began to untether from the area and the relationships.

Our next move was to a small regional town in souther Indiana and there we would find hungry souls wanting more of God and our wings spreading in unanticipated ways. We had no children yet, just two cats and work ethics. The puffer fish did not know what to think but had already deflated in vulnerability and empowerment so she remained.

Taking the road less traveled has become a hallmark of my life it seems. The wilderness path, explorative nature of my mind and willingness to venture off path would take me into neighbors' woods growing up. It would lead me to consider multiple options for career paths and ultimately, put me in position to push myself harder than I ever thought that I could or would.

However, after having three part-time jobs spanning from church office management to hospital and home health social work along with practicing marriage and family therapy, my heart was no longer curious about these areas. It takes a lot of self-awareness and reflection to allow silence in our lives. Silence truly is golden and something that is taken for granted in the pursuit of busy.


Letting Go Series :: The Outcome of the Seed You Plant

We were never meant to consume ourselves and our thoughts with the "what if's" and with the many outcomes that come about when we are to simply plant a seed in another's life.

What has happened so many times is that we will say an encouraging word or give advice and then expect the other person to move forward or even ourselves. This may never happen or we may not be a witness to such things. 

Worries of this life and the deceitfulness of wealth can choke out any seed us or even by God. 

We do reap what we sow and sometimes what is sown is not the outcome we expected. We must let this expectation of what we believe this life to look like go.

Thursday, January 28, 2021

Christmas Season : What was Life-Giving/What was Life-Draining

Writing out what helps us enjoy each season and what drains us has become a reflective practice of mine.


--> Having a list of gifts needed when Black Friday comes around
--> Having wrapping paper and boxes ready in November
--> Wrapping gifts as they come in the mail - not so overwhelming
--> Reflecting on past family traditions - snow ball fights with my grandparents & now with my kids

--> having the Advent Tree hanging up I bought in a Pottery Barn Kids' After-Christmas Sale 2 years ago
--> placing Lego figures for the boys to put together along with little chocolates in the Advent Calendar Tree pockets
--> putting up lights in the living room and on the Christmas Tree (soft white is my favorite)

Tuesday, January 26, 2021

Letting Go Series :: Self-Sabotage

We want the change. We truly do. 

We want to ignore this self that rebels against our new momentum.

6 Masks that Self - Sabotage Wears

6. Staying inside your comfort zone - it keeps you from taking risks and making moves and reaching your potential.

5. Distraction - you focus on the 'extra' and end up exhausting yourself mentally, emotionally and physically so that ultimately you don't have enough of yourself to give towards your new change.

4. Shifting Responsibility - (a.k.a. blame) we shift the responsibility to another person or circumstance and we no longer feel in control, so it makes it easier to settle for less than our best or less than we deserve.

3. Negative self-talk - believe you can and you will; believe you can't and you won''s that simple.

2. Procrastination - you'll do it later, or after scrolling through social media or reading the news or cleaning, baking, or going through your house like Marie Kondo...

1. Perfectionism - you wait to do something until you will be perfect at'll either wait forever or never will be satisfied.

Part of my self-sabotage towards health emotionally, mentally, spiritually and physically is often with my relationship with food so here is a worthy saying: 

Monday, January 25, 2021

Letting Go Series :: LIES we Tell Ourselves

Letting Go of the Lies we tell ourselves is one of the most difficult Soul-work tasks we will ever embark upon. These are the beliefs hidden within us about our world and how we view people that come out when we are stressed that are just down right wrong or at their core self-loathing or self-seeking.

Our Entitlement to be Right - We often believe we are entitled and deserve to feel our feelings and our attitudes. But what we neglect to realize is that by allowing this anthem to blast between our ears, we allow a cascade of damaging after- thoughts that become behaviors. 

Let Go of the LIES

Think through this and consider all of the things that your LIES are holding you back from (confidence, vulnerability, wisdom, awareness?) What would you do if you were just a little more confident or brave?

What would you do if you saw yourself as strong, powerful and capable?
What would you do if fear and the lies, insecurity and doubt no longer tagged along or appeared?
Would you have a conversation with a stranger?
Would you wear that red or black dress? Would you wear that outrageous yellow sweater or scarf?
Would you tell someone how much their words upset you? or how kind those words were to you?

ON ANOTHER LEVEL...there are lies that we can replace by acknowledging the Truth.

1. THE LIE: God is not really good.


  • God is good, and everything He does is good.
  • God never makes mistakes.

2. THE LIE: God doesn’t love me.


  • God’s love for me is infinite and unconditional.
  • I don’t have to perform to earn God’s love or favor.
  • God always has my best interests at heart.

3. THE LIE: God is just like my father.


  • God is exactly what He has revealed Himself to be in His Word.
  • God is infinitely more wise and loving than any earthly father could ever be.

4. THE LIE: God is not really enough.


  • God is enough. If I have Him, I have all I need.

5. THE LIE: God’s ways are too restrictive.


  • God’s ways are best.
  • God’s restrictions are always for my good.
  • Resisting or rebelling against God’s ways brings conflict and heartache.

6. THE LIE: God should fix my problems.


  • Life is hard.
  • God is more concerned about glorifying Himself and changing me than about solving my problems.
  • God has an eternal purpose He is fulfilling in the midst of my problems.
  • God wants to use my problems as part of His sanctifying process in my life.
  • No matter what problem I am facing, God’s grace is sufficient for me.

7. THE LIE: I’m not worth anything.


  • My value is not determined by what others think of me or what I think of myself. My value is determined by how God views me.
  • To God, my soul is worth more than the price of the whole world.
  • If I am a child of God, I am God’s cherished possession and treasure.

8. THE LIE: I need to learn to love myself.


  • By faith, I need to receive God’s love for me.
  • I already love myself. I need to deny myself and let God love others through me.

9. THE LIE: I can’t help the way I am.


  • If I am a child of God, I can choose to obey God.
  • I am responsible for my own choices.
  • I can be changed through the power of God’s Spirit.

10. THE LIE: I have my rights.


  • Claiming rights will put me in bondage.
  • Yielding rights will set me free.

11. THE LIE: Physical beauty matters more than inner beauty.


  • At best, physical beauty is temporal and fleeting.
  • The beauty that matters most to God is that of my inner spirit and character.

12. THE LIE: I should not have to live with unfulfilled longings.


  • I will always have unfulfilled longings this side of heaven.
  • The deepest longings of my heart cannot be filled by any created person or thing.
  • If I will accept them, unfulfilled longings will increase my longing for God and for heaven.

13. THE LIE: I can sin and get away with it.


  • The choices I make today will have consequences; I will reap what I sow.
  • Sin’s pleasures only last for a season.
  • Sin exacts a devastating toll. There are no exceptions.
  • If I play with fire, I will get burned. I will not escape the consequences of my sin.

14. THE LIE: My sin isn’t really that bad.


  • Every act of sin is an act of rebellion against God.
  • No sin is small.

15. THE LIE: God can’t forgive what I have done.


  • The blood of Jesus is sufficient to cover any and every sin I have committed.
  • There is no sin too great for God to forgive.
  • God’s grace is greater than the greatest sin anyone could ever commit.

16. THE LIE: I am not fully responsible for my actions and reactions.


  • God does not hold me accountable for the actions of others.
  • I am responsible for my own choices.

17. THE LIE: I cannot walk in consistent victory over sin.


  • If I am a child of God, I don’t have to sin.
  • I am not a slave to sin. Through Christ, I have been set free from sin.
  • By God’s grace and through the finished work of Christ on the cross, I can experience victory over sin.

18. THE LIE: I don’t have time to do everything I’m supposed to do.


  • There is time in every day to do everything that God wants me to do.

19. THE LIE: I shouldn’t have to suffer.


  • It is impossible to be holy apart from suffering. There is a redemptive fruit that cannot be produced in our lives apart from suffering.
  • We have been called to suffer.
  • True joy is not the absence of pain, but the presence of the Lord Jesus in the midst of the pain.
  • Suffering is a pathway to sanctification, a doorway into greater intimacy with God.

20. THE LIE: My circumstances will never change—this will go on forever.


  • My suffering may last a long time, but it will not last forever.
  • My painful circumstances will not last one moment longer than God knows is necessary to achieve His eternal purposes in and through my life.
  • One day, all pain, suffering, and tears will be removed forever.

21. THE LIE: I just can’t take any more.


  • Whatever my circumstance, whatever my situation, His grace is sufficient for me.
  • God will never place more on me than He will give me grace to bear.

22. THE LIE: It’s all about me.


  • God is the beginning and ending and center of all things. All things were created by Him and for Him. It’s all about Him!
  • My life is dispensable. I was created for His pleasure and glory.

Lies Women Believe (2001) by Nancy Leigh Demoss. Moody Press.

Friday, January 22, 2021

Letting Go Series :: Questions to Ask

How do we learn to live confidently without the material things we’ve convinced ourselves we need? 

How do we live a more intentional and rewarding life? 

How do we learn to reset our priorities? 

How do we transform the way we look at ourselves? 

How do we get what we want out of life?

~ The Minimalists

How would life look if we walk gently into our next right thing with kindness toward others and also ourselves?

How about we pay attention to what brings life and what drains life?

What are we grateful for and what makes up our days? 

What if we pay attention to what we're learning?

What do we hope for?

What are our most important decisions to be made?

~ Adapted from Emily P. Freeman's "A Simple Way to Journal in 2021" Email


Thursday, January 21, 2021

Letting Go Series :: STUFF

I wrote this list in 2017.
In the Fall of 2014 I read "7: A Mutiny Against Excess" by Jen Hatmaker and Jesus opened my eyes wide open to my obsession with stuff, documenting life and emotional attachments to things. I longed to be rid of so many of my attachments that were holding me back and keeping me from God's leading. DISTRACTIONS REALLY.

In 2015 and 2016 I remember reading about The Minimalists and their perspective on "stuff" and what brings us "value" in this life. It intrigued me and helped motivate me to let go of many possessions. In 2017 I read Marie Kondo's books and then later went through "Soul Simplicity" by Courtney Carver and "The More of Less" by Joshua Becker as well as in 2018 "The Gentle Art of Swedish Death Cleaning" by Margareta Magnusson. I had worked to get rid of a lot of stuff I had been holding onto for 20+ years including childhood items. In 2019 we moved and literally, got rid of half of our house (it was a vision of mine to do that and with moving, we finally did it)...but it was very hard.

"Our possessions possess us.
This is how we let go.
If a thing stops adding value, sell it.
If it doesn't sell in a week, lower the price.
If it doesn't sell in 30 days, donate it.
If a donation place doesn't accept, recycle it.
If it can't be recycled, trash it (as a last resort).
Once we let go, we're able to move on."
More essays, podcasts, and resources at

Wednesday, January 20, 2021

Hope Changes Everything

It is a phrase that helped me through many days walking in grief with families and in uncertainty as parents were not sure if their newborn child would live or die.

It is a phrase that I held so dear and HOPE truly did change the perspective of the day. Good news that came or a kind word would shift the momentum of the grief.

Today I feel this same phenomenon with the signing in of our next President. 
I am not labeled a Democrat nor a Republican. I agree and disagree with many policies on both side and I'm sure I will disagree with many new policies, BUT even if President Biden's words are empty...they sure are unifying and HOPE-FILLED.

It's a welcome tone and a welcome hug honestly. 
I did not realize the heaviness and oppression that I was feeling throughout this past year, not only with the pandemic but with the divisiveness of our nation's leaders.

Each person has dignity and each person is a PERSON, a human living this life and impacting our world.

So HOPE changes everything. 

Tuesday, January 19, 2021

Right Now :: January 19th, 2021

Right Now:

* Sitting at my kitchen table looking out my backdoor onto the next street and with a slim view of a Kentucky hill

* not exactly knowing what to type but knowing that I must write, something is amiss

* each day I speak less words outloud, at least that is what it feels like - my pups and 12 year old hear my voice the most until my 8 year old and husband arrive home...

* it's the boredom and quiet I longed for during those years and months of working full-time, even working part-time

* "the grass is also greener on the other side" saying seems to ring true even when we know that really it isn't

* we all choose our "hard" and when I chose mental health fields to go into for schooling, I knew that I would choose my trauma (I just didn't realize that someone else's trauma as well as my own would remain in front of me daily)

* since not working outside of the home, I have gone to great lengths to work my mind to where I don't immediately think about the worst case scenario or even assume something is going on that may be detrimental to the person standing in front of me, in fact I have numbed myself so well now, that it is difficult for me to feel because I want any feelings to go off my shoulders

* it seems that PTSD as a professional may have occurred and I wonder if I'll ever recover fully from it

* Unsettled....roaming in my mind, something is amiss and I can't quite nail it down. 

* rebuilding a running base slowly

* working through workouts with Muscle Burns Fat (MBF with Meghan Davies) for now

* holding loosely to friendships

* probably expecting more from myself than I am truly able to give

* listening a lot to Hope*Writers webinars for writing styles and publishing information and in general "why writing is where I want to be right now"

* that about sums it up