Sunday, January 3, 2016

My desire for desire to Go Beyond My Beyond

My desire for desire to Go Beyond My Beyond

There are multiple parts of me just like anyone else and often I think in terms of physicial, emotional, mental and spiritual. But they are all circular and cyclical in my life and all interconnect with the other. When one part shifts then the others shift. Most recently when I shift the physical everything else shifts and often for the good.

It is also the case for spiritual whereby everything shifts when I seek God more, sit in stillness with Him, listen for His voice, read His Word, allow Him to work within me and obey His whispers "still, small voice".

However, I have found that the times when I shifted my mental and emotional parts that they didn't last long because I had not started with the spiritual piece of myself.

If I had more time I would make gifts for others, I would supposedly give more of myself to others. I would take my children on "field trips" and experiential endeavors that would have a lasting effect on them.

Sit with the questions and longings in life.