Sunday, July 28, 2013

Right Now Eli: 10 months

I always think I remember exactly what you are doing but my memory forgets after awhile.

  • you are eagerly going after things in your best crawling form and are now "cruising along things"
  • you are attempting to move into the sippy cup stage but seems to poo-poo it around mommy
  • you're eating more foods
  • you continue to observe those around you especially crowds
  • you're just now starting to have attachment anxiety and want mommy most of the time
  • you smile and squeal quite loudly in excitement
  • you laugh endlessly at Ian when he's doing silly things
  • you have tried yogurt and seem to like it
  • you babble a lot when at home 
  • you wave bye-bye like a pro now
  • at school it is rare for you to get good naps but at home you go down rather easily
  • we have switched your blanket so you don't get too attached to it
  • your routine is covered in the previous blog post
  • you are simply yummy and so cuddly - it's hard to put you down at times
  • as much as you continue to not enjoy your car seat initially, you now sit back and watch the outdoors go by or Ian entertains you :)
  • look at that hair! - I just can't cut it yet although it is in your eyes officially but you're so darn cute!

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Ian & Elijah's current routines - for my records

Wake 7:30am & Eat --- food & bottle (usually drinks about 3 oz - we make 5oz & mix w/cereal); you're beginning to have some small chunks of banana & some vanilla yogurt!! & of course cheerios!
Nap 9/9:15-9:45/10 (unless you sleep more or not)
Eat 11-11:30am --- food & bottle   (baby food & real food; little bits of cheese, deli meat, pasta, etc or ground up in baby grinder----bottle 6.5 oz mixed)
Nap 1ish-?
Eat 2:30 (if 11 last time) or 3 (if 11:30 last time) - just bottle (6.5oz) & cheerios or other snacks
Nap if tired 4:15ish-? (no later than 6:00) (if you even nap or we pick you up from childcare)
Eat 6-6:30pm
Play, play, play  (sometimes bath)
Bedtime (depending on naps) 7-8:15pm -- give another bottle then lay down, no rocking needed.

Wake 7-7:30....or if he's really tired he sleeps in (no problem with that)
Eats when breakfast is ready
Lunch 11:15-12:15ish (whatever works)
a little more play....unless Elijah is down then...
Nap...(12:30/1ish - ? -- he reads some & then falls asleep
-- we hit the blue button on his clock & it sets for at least 1:30 -- on weekends he sleeps more if the room is dark

Snack - when he wakes from nap if its around 3:00-4:00pm

Supper 5:30-7:00pm He's good with most whatever. :)
Play -------- sometimes bath (beginning at 7)
Snack before bed - cheese stick, banana, maybe cereal, something light, sometimes jello
Bedtime (starts around 7:45-8:00pm...depending on Eli too)
   -- pajamas
   -- brush teeth
   -- read book & pick out animal & put sheets or blanket on
   -- pray