Monday, September 2, 2019

Be 100 :: Committing to 100 Workouts & to Helping Myself Overcome

I would awake to my alarm (because 5:10am is simply too early, I agree now with everyone who ever told me that when I awoke at 5:00am for years). I grab my glasses and waterbottle and roll out of bed. DO NOT THINK. Bathroom Session :: Potty, wash hands, brush teeth, wipe my eyes, put clothes on (already laid out in bathroom night before), put socks & shoes on, drink pre-workout drink.

@ HOME ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PRESS PLAY on phone...DO NOT THINK, have weights out if needed and water available. Complete workout and then write in Be 100 Book or Morning Pages Cross off Day on Calendar. Pray.

W/FRIEND ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Grab keys and purse with protein bar pre-packed and walk out of the house. Drive to friend's house or elsewhere. Begin during and afterwards but not before. Cross off Day on Calendar. Write in Be 100 Book or in Morning Pages as I eat protein bar. Pray and then drive back home for an immediate shower (or to get boys ready for school).

I will remain motivated to complete the 100 workouts because by the end I want to be able to feel good about myself, have more clarity in my mind and soul about the routine I have begun and my ears to be more open to God.

What may slow me down is the nutrition. Meal prep is only so useful and then I become overwhelmed so having go-to items I can grab will be important and eating and certain times of day that I already know would be helpful. And keeping sugar at bay and out-of-sight, out-of-mind.

JOTTING THE COURSE :: September, Phase One (1-20)

WHY BE 100?
My 'Why' includes changing a pattern that I watched growing up in my extended family and also the body issues I have allowed myself to continue to struggle with into my adult life. Emotional eating has been a part of my story for most of my years except when I was disciplined, had a 'why', was helping others and overcoming it back in the summer of 2016. I saw the momentum for change and embraced it. 

Food is a distraction for me, a comfort and an excuse to not pursue my God-given gifts. I'd rather sit down and put something in my mouth than face any negative emotions or push through the awkwardness or uncomfortable feelings of putting myself out into the world. I might fail, I might fall, I might be worse off in the end is what I tell myself...but I'm stuck and that's just as worse a feeling/reality. 

So my 'why' includes (good knees) for the future to walk and play with my kids & grandkids; (weight management) to lessen my risk of cancer, heart disease and diabetes or any other chronic conditions; (self-control) to practice obedience and my love for God by using food as a fuel and not as an idol; (thinking my most kind and helpful thoughts) about myself, movement and food so that I can be Light to others and an example to my kids; and (fitting into my clothes) without struggle or twisting so I can pay more attention to others' needs and not be so self-conscious of me. 

My friends Rachel and Carrie, Christy who is already cycling like a crazy person which I LOVE! Stacy who essentially does this already and has for years without any formal name or program.

August Happened

I wish I could say that I was more proactive than reactive with August. I tried my best to prepare our medical providers' and documents and to complete all Kentucky forms for our kids so they could seamlessly enroll in the school we wanted.

I admittedly freaked out way too much and stressed myself out, but it was all done and completed well. After decluttering the house in July, it was time for me to sort and let go of possessions we didn't want to move on August 21st so I went to town and got rid of a lot of stuff (it didn't look like it by the time the house was packed up, but it's less than it was.)

The moving day was hard, fast, chaotic, and tiring but it happened and except for a few items, nothing broke. I unpacked what I could and tried to put more in storage, but boxes still remain in the truck bed since our storage unit is packed. Going from a 6 bedroom, 3 bathroom with a basement 2200 sq ft to a 3 bedroom, 1 bathroom maybe a 1000 sq ft rental had it's challenges. But when I think of it, I'd been waiting to do this kind of move for a while and even while watching Tiny House Nation.

The boys acclimated to school and are still working towards that with our church. Our oldest son has developed a good friendship and we await our youngest to continue to make some friends. Our 17th anniversary came and went without much fuss or fanfare. There was just too much going on, so maybe a trip or outing later this year?