Monday, November 19, 2012

Ian - 3 years and 11 months

Ian, I keep thinking you are already 4 years old but you are not! You act so mature at times with various questions and statements and then I am reminded that you are still 3 when you whine incessantly and begin to throw your own version of a tantrum.

This is a summary for Ian. He is now 3 years and 11 months old.

You like most things even if you whine at first that you don't like it. But once you try things one time you usually like it. You LOVE tortellini and have for a long time. Chicken nuggets you would eat every night if we had it probably. You're favorite vegetable with corn and you do like green & red peppers and carrots with humus.  You ask for dessert each night (even if we don't have it). You really like fruit. You want ice cream or chocolate for something sweet. You enjoy crackers - especially breaking them into pieces (BOY!). If you had a choice for favorite meal right now, it might be mac'n cheese, cream corn and some sort of dessert.

You are a great sleeper even if it takes you awhile to fall asleep. We have a wake up clock in your room. It turns yellow when you can get up. Our night-time routine sometimes goes short due to your desire to stay up. But you brush your teeth, potty, pajamas, responsibility chart, one book, drink of milk and prayer.

You are eager to help us unless you are playing, then we have to ask you. You do set the table as well as clean up. You do well with small tasks. You put your toys away and books. Brushing your teeth and getting ready in the morning is part of it. You can't quite put your shirt on but you can put your underwear and pants on.

You are pretty sensitive and have a hard time taking harsh voices or disappointment when you make a mistake. You do however, have a temper and can work yourself up quickly if you don't like what we ask of you.

You are mostly happy and content and occasionally remain in a funk for a while and then laugh at something and say "you're so silly mommy". You do turn on a dime it seems.

You are further along in learning to swim and are in the Pike class again to continue to learn. You are doing much better and more willing to do and try what your teacher asked you to. Laying on your back as well as moving your arms and kicking your legs.


7-7:30--Wake up and get ready. Play just a little if there is time - especially with Eli. 
8:00 -- Head to Angela's Circle of Friends
8:15 -- Eat breakfast (pancake day I think is your favorite or french toast day!)
8:30-11:30 -- Group time, Story time, Learning, Play outside?
11:30 -- Lunch
12:00-2:00 -- Nap time
2:00 -- Play outside?
3:30 -- Reading and Independent Play time 
5-5:30 -- Pickup from School!
6-6:30 -- Play
6:30 - Eat supper
7:00 --Family Activities
7:50 --Get ready for bed or bath time

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