Friday, September 21, 2012

to my Little Man (Ian) & to my Little Babe (?)

dearest Ian,
you've grown so much over this last year, it's hard to recognize you sometimes. you've become quite the awesome little man and so much like your daddy.  you love to play with your cars and to make sure that most things can fly.  you are protective of your kitties and trying to be nice to them rather than yelling at them and chasing them off.  you realize that there is something happening in mommy and that your baby brother will be coming soon.  you are quite excited.  you seem to think that each meal we have will have dessert and although we try to steer you's not quite working out so well.  we hope you will understand during this upcoming year as your baby brother is growing that you are very, very important to us and that even though we might need to give him attention - you will remain our little man. we love you so much and pray for you. we pray for you to grow up to know and love Jesus and that you will be confident in yourself and in what God will do in your life - trusting that He is in control.  we cannot express how proud we are of you and how much you make us laugh.  :) i have grown to love hearing you say mommy and mom and can't wait to hear this each morning and evening of each day.  your hugs and kisses are so precious and priceless to us.

love momma

dearest little babe,
although we have not seen you yet, nor have we named you...we are so excited to meet you and mommy is very protective and aware of you. we are so proud of you before we have even met you. we want you to know that you are so special to us and that we are attempting to prepare for you and to hope that we can be our best with you and for you. God has His own plan for you and you will have your own personality we are sure, but we hope that we can adjust and love you to the best of our ability.  we aren't sure if your hair will be brown or blond...eyes blue, green or both or if you will have your daddy's ears or your mommy's nose. you will be distinct in and of yourself. we pray you will follow God and know and love Jesus just as we pray for Ian.  we hope you will enjoy your big brother and can become great friends in the years to come.

all our love little babe,

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