Thursday, July 16, 2015

Monumental Marathon: #5

I haven't written in a while and I have SSOOOOOOO much to write about!!

I had been thinking about running another FULL marathon this year simply because I've been really consistent and have a great base from this past year. I had been getting my best times while simply enjoying the running during the week on a flexible time-frame while working full-time and little kids at home and my awesome husband.

The Monumental Marathon in Indy has just stuck on my radar for awhile but simply because I ran the half two years ago and enjoyed it. At that time I was just trying to stay motivate to run at all and just signed up to do it. So much has changed since then both mentally, spiritually and emotionally.

My last full marathon was St. Louis in 2011 where I became so dehydrated from the hot day that I ended up in the ER on the way home; thus, I have a race shirt now that is worth $3,000 and you better believe I still wear it now!!!

So I've sat with this desire to do another one just not knowing when and where. I'd had thought I'd do a BIG one like in DC or in New York but in the end I'd rather spend more time with my family and less money on a race (especially with running so many halves this past year).

But what I don't want to happen to me while I train is to be overcome with expectations and what I want to remember is:

* it's ok to be flexible...modify the training schedule and it-will-be-ok
* don't make this journey as idol - your family is more important than the miles
* do persevere through the hard weeks when you don't want to get up - it will be worth it
* do ask friends to ride their bike while you run a long run
* do ask for prayer, it's not just a physical challenge but a spiritual one as well
* keep consistent with your sleep times
* utilize your run time as prayer time for others and for listening to Scripture
* think of others, think of others, think of others

It's way too easy to get consumed with training and to focus on yourself and whether training is going well or not. It's too easy to feel overwhelmed and let fear set in. Be brave and be bold.

The Goal: Sub-4:00 hour marathon = 9:09 pace over 26.2 miles.

The Drive: Physical, mental, emotional, spiritual health - gaining wisdom + distraction from adoption wait.

The Hope: become more like who God desires for me to be & help others along the way; have my sons seem me accomplish this goal - be more prepared to tackle other big goals set before me
Next posts to reflect my readings and articles regarding marathon.

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