Saturday, June 11, 2011

I'm Reminded...

* that time truly waits for no one (you use it or lose it)
* that wearing running shorts & showing thigh just becomes natural...don't like it but can't do much about it
* that consistency in any pursuit helps one to meet the goal
* that reading Scripture daily with purpose and not just to make a check off of your one way God can speak to your innermost being
* that clutter zaps the mind
* that if I don't write then my thoughts begin to get jumbled up
* that my irritability towards life or even others has more to do about what I'm doing than it does about what others are doing to/for/with me
* that nothing good really happens after 9:00pm (might as well go to sleep)
* that energy does come from what you eat...
* that living each day like it is my last can be a positive experience or just an excuse to sin
* that talking on the phone for hours is not my desire but when it's a close friend - it really doesn't matter how long it goes
* that I'm not in control as much as I try to be
* that if I do not exercise in the morning then it is less likely that I will do it later on
* that my heart isn't as open to people and pursuits as I think it is
* that pride poisons me
* that kitties need love too
* that little boys desire love and attention from you even if you have no more energy or tolerance left
* that ultimately you ask of people to invest in themselves when you are doing therapy
* that it is way too easy to ignore another be ignored
* that Jesus did not call me to a comfortable life where I get everything I want when I want it

Make a list of the things you're grateful for. This can be a list of both the obvious things, and the little blessings that are harder to recognize. It can include the sun shining on your face, your favorite beverage, hugs from a loved one, and having a roof over your head. I encourage you to write for at least 15 minutes, and put down anything that comes to mind. When you take the time to identify the things that bring you joy, you'll create a powerful tool to help you cultivate more things that make you happy, and a list to help keep things in perspective on the not-so-good days.

1 comment:

  1. I promise to do this today after i finish my room! First of all I'm thankful you, Dad and family! I couldn't survive without you all and God in my life! I'll continue later. I must get back to work! Love you, Mom
