Monday, January 9, 2017

WHY I Pulled the Trigger on my Secure, Stable JOB

I felt that a passion within me needed to come out and that my burned out self which had cycled many times in the healthcare environment had to regroup. She was tired, she felt heavy, she longed for freedom of her mind and space in her spirit to dream. She wanted to make an impact that she could see. In healthcare you often can't see the outcome in the social work arena. You end up being a piece of the process. An important piece but a seed-planter or even a paper-pusher. I wanted to know that I what I was doing is making a difference. I pulled the trigger on my stable, secure, hospital social work professional job because I could feel that there was more in me. My body trained for a full-marathon while working full-time and it was INTENSE. It was scheduled and structured and AMAZING. But it was hard and so focused. BUT GOD WANTS MORE OF ME.
I have the personality where when I'm placed in a box, I squirm. I want to go above and beyond, but in my own way.
He's exposing my weaknesses for His glory. He's using my mess-my years of struggle with emotional eating and eating disorder in my teens to be my message of grace and discipline and self-control. He's invigorating His Spirit within me to be bold and to walk along side others to help. BUT I can't do it for my challengers! I cannot do it for my OVERCOMERS. ONLY THEY CAN DO IT one step at a time. I pulled the trigger because negative environments full of stress and expections pull us down. I pulled up for long enough and tried keeping my head above water in my own strength. And I failed. I lost passion. I became distracted. NO more. I'm dumping the secure/sacred for the simple. I'm dumping the predictable adventure for the uncertain adventure. And don't get me wrong, I'll be wise with it because I have many advisors. Becoming more of a coach than a counselor/therapist (been there, done that) involves intentional goal-setting steps that include not just emotional and mental but also the physical and the spiritual aspects addressed. AND that is WHY I became a coach which is partnered with a company who believes in the whole aspect of health and fitness and nutrition and personal growth. It's not a magic pill, it's not a magic shake, it's not even just a product. It's a LIFESTYLE of health which includes personal development and I see the spiritual in it fully. The company may not endorse a spiritual aspect but it's there. It's not about weight or inches, it's about self-care, living for more than food or any other substance. Living to help others and to be our bravest versions for our Creator. DON'T BE FOOLED, I've researched the other companies and there are some great products to buy...BUT THERE IS NO QUICK FIX. You can drink any shake or use a powder or take supplements but if you are not addressing your body's need for movement, your mind's need for personal growth, your body's need for REAL nutrition and drinking water along with a spiritual plan then it won't matter in 6 months because you will have quit...again. THAT IS WHY I AM HERE, and that is why I am staying. That's why my ART is a part of this process and will be developed more as time goes on. COACH SNEAK PEEK IS TONIGHT if you are curious!
BEFORE - Happy but Unfulfilled  AFTER/ONGOING - Fulfilled, JOY

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