Saturday, October 18, 2014

Life Response: What would be possible if you were the bravest version of yourself?

Oh where would I begin, seriously where?

* bravest version of myself...she'd trust the path laid before her - question it and then remain focused
* she'd be brave in her love for others
* she would not give into her insecurities when interacting with those "more together" or "higher up"
* she would continue to take risks at the benefit of others
* she would wear more colors and would ask friends to "swap" clothes so that she could enjoy variety without having to buy things
* she would allow herself to be ok with feeling the emotions she feels while not dwelling on irrational thoughts
* she would not fear the unknown but embrace it for what it is
* all together my bravest version of myself would really kick butt...seriously she would, I think she would lovingly confront others when appropriate and have gratitude for the blessings she has including friendships

* she would "boast" in her weaknesses since God is working through & in her while not dwelling on them...AMEN!!

Oh what freedom bravery would have in this version! What utter enjoyment of life I would presume even when crappy stuff comes. This bravery present to encounter the worst and rawest parts of life and yet see light within the walls that she's built. Wow, if I would have red hair this would rock...but I don't so my bravest version of myself would likely have the same hair as I do but possibly even shorter and with highlights!!!

And perhaps...she would even be brave enough to clear out the clutters of memories that she thinks she wants to hold on to from the past...high marriage....release & receive.


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