My so-called Gremlins...the thoughts that are detrimental to me and tell me stories about myself that are not uplifting at all primarily plague me at work right now. In other seasons of life they have plagued me in motherhood and in sports.
Think of a scenario in your life that you’re having friction with. Could be anything really – anything that you’re having some noisy gremlins about.
I find a consistent Gremlin right now - tells me that I don't do a good job at work and that no matter what I'm doing "it's not good enough, not fast enough and not thorough enough nor compassionate enough". It reminds me that "I'm lazy" for not jumping up at that person's request or that I just don't know what is going on with that patient or with what that physician does. It tells me ruthlessly that somehow "you're not suppose to be here". You're not a good example.
Question: What are your soul whispers telling you? Your whispers are usually in opposition of your gremlins. They often sound like little tiny quiet nudges, asking for our attention.
I'd identify my 'soul whispers' as that of the Holy Spirit to whom I know my true identity is known and formed through - whom my discernment and wisdom is received. This particular whisper or voice tells me "give yourself grace", "stop thinking about it all that way", "take a pause and gather yourself".
My authentic self as it is, she tells me "you are good, you are thorough and you do it differently than your peers". She asks me to be nice to myself and to do the best that I can but not to stress out about it. Essentially, at the deepest level God asks me to invite Him into the situation and into the multiple requests and phone calls I receive per day. He asks me to let go of some of the control and to let Him move without me killing myself to find everything out.
Question: Think of someone you admire and deeply respect. Someone you consider to to be wise, self-aware, fully dependable. They could be a dear friend, or a distant mentor. What words of wisdom do you think they would offer?
She would say, "why is it that you're trying to do this?" God is so much bigger than these circumstances. You are good enough Kara. You have His Spirit within you to surpass all of the nonsense of this job. He has given you wisdom and compassion to be there for your patients and to do the job as it works for you. Don't compare yourself to your coworkers. Don't think that you're doing it wrong if you're doing it different. Stop comparing...give yourself grace.
Question: What is it your heart most needs to hear? Self compassion is key when answering this question.
He has gifted you to be in this moment right now. He will lead you...let it go, give yourself grace and others grace. Silence the turmoil that is in your heart and know that you are good enough. You are!
Question: What permissions can you allow yourself?
I give myself permission to work differently and to not know the answers immediately. I give myself permission to ask questions and to give myself grace for not knowing. I give myself permission to do the best I can and then let it go.
Circle all the power words or phrases that stand out.
give yourself grace
you are enough
you're doing it different
let it go...
don't compare...
He will lead you
gifted for this moment
Taking my answers from above and pairing them with the following words to help create a unique mantra. The following words are to get started. What other words might I use as pairings?
Yes to _______ letting go
Hello ________ grace
Choose _______ not to compare
Embrace ________ that you are enough
Practice _________ your gift in this moment
Be ________ unique
Stay _______ aware of His presence
Unleash your __________ heart and be present
Permission granted to _________ to do my best and let the rest go
Follow ________ God's leading and timing
Hello ________ grace
Choose _______ not to compare
Embrace ________ that you are enough
Practice _________ your gift in this moment
Be ________ unique
Stay _______ aware of His presence
Unleash your __________ heart and be present
Permission granted to _________ to do my best and let the rest go
Follow ________ God's leading and timing
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