The 12 with Jesus (most of the time walking together)
* They had frequent and long-term contact with Jesus.
- spend a lot of time with them very often
+ enemy - the sheer busy-ness of people = need priorities & realicating tasks
* They had a warm and loving relationship with Jesus
- with them relationally as a friend
- shares life
* They were exposed to the emotions of Jesus
- "Jesus wept" verse -- he was moved b/c they were crying, moved by bare feelings
- Ephesians - "be angry" and sin not; Jesus cleanses the temple
- articulate through your mouth full of gravel {marbles}
Passion: "You can measure the size of the man by what makes him really furious"
* They saw consistency between his teachings and his behavior
- Jesus washes their feet
How it meant to have accountability?
* They saw him with problem people and possibility people
- he had an ebb & flow of working with problem people and then possibility people
- we need a square of a possibility person for every needy person
- water - mountains - desert
- walking
* We are about equipping people for God's Kingdom greatness.
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