Mr. Eli you are such a joy! And such a great baby!
* you're officially crawling and picking it so quickly beyond the army crawl
* you're smiling usually always from ear to ear unless you're too tired or hungry!
* your arms begin flailing when you see anything remotely that you think must be eaten when you're hungry...
* you have such a sweet, cuddly nature to you
* you lay down usually after rubbing your eyes and I often place your blanket between you & myself and you dive your head into it - that let's me know that you are definitely tired, sometimes I sway with you a little and then I lay you down (you immediately roll over, grab the blanket and you make sure that you have your pacy)
* you do pretty well with vegetables, of course you like fruits, you're drinking less of your bottle it seems
* you completely LOVE Ian and now that you are mobile you try to get to any of his things as fast as you can before we get you
* you love to smack your hand on your chair tray and listen to the noises you make
* you do say "momma & dadda" at times but you don't seem to know what it means yet
* you started to imitate us waving...and clapping somewhat
* you can sit up easier now
* you are just sooooo precious

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