* you are one very happy little baby! your smile is infectious and you are so excited to share it
* you are cooing up a storm and seemed to have found your voice now
* I've taken some videos of you and hope that someday it will remind me of how precious you are at this age
* your routine has been royally botched since we began going to the new house so you're waking up more than once a night
* your giggle is more pronounced now especially when I take my fingers around your neck or in your arm pits - LOL
* you're totally in 3-6 month clothes and in size 2 diapers!
* we tried a tiny bit of rice cereal in your evening feeds but you've only seemed to reflux even more with us doing this
* you're now occasionally following your hands to see what they do
* you can slowly bat at things but you don't seem to realize that you're doing it until after the fact
* you really enjoy that swing and the bouncy seat
* you can wiggle your way off of the changing ottoman now so I have to watch you much closer
* you want to see everything and stay away for at least 1:30 now if not 2 hours
* you can eat every 3.5 hours if we keep you on target
* childcare is going ok...it's not completely what I want but mommy's letting go of that part right now with the new house and working
* your gummy smile totally makes my day!
{pictures to come soon}
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