Friday, November 9, 2012

In my 20's - What I Learned...

In my 20's (as told to a friend recently) - I wish I would have told myself: 
* it's ok not to work full-time right now - it's a season
* I am called to be obedient and to do the things that I know are right 
* asking for help is a must and i never know how God is going to work in someone else's life when they are able to help me
* home improvement and organizing/cleaning are my best stress-reliev
ers and help when I am anxious
* not focusing on what I don't know is a must (meaning focus on eternal things and not on what I wish I could change or think I "should" change)
* I feed my anxiety and depression by eating too much sugar...not drinking enough water......thinking that this will last forever...
* there are trigger points for me: not having those important and meaningful conversations with other women/eating the sugar & feeling bad/not exercising or feeling guilty that i haven't moved
* not giving myself grace!

what I totally learned:
* give myself grace
* ask for help or offer to help another
* get out of bed immediately & focus on what I am excited about today
* remember it is a SEASON
* don't say "always" or "never"
* God's power is waaaayyyy bigger than my thinking and my own plan
* it's ok to not know if I will ever use my degrees or get full licensure (master's in marriage & family therapy & social work)
* my role will change with Mark and my boys as my identity changes in relation to how I interact with those around me (my identity primarily in Christ but does transform depending on whom I am around & serving)
* declutter and keep only what is needed...
* humble myself
* know that God will bring me people who will support me and be there for me (IF I allow myself to access them & allow them to help)
* being vulnerable is a beautiful thing....I am still guarded but am able to discern people much better through His Spirit - HIS doing not mine
* doing studies by Beth Moore & Priscilla Shirer really opened my eyes to what I needed to learn and how to grow...
* change is good
* in your 20's you are still searching for YOU and for what you think you might want or who you you grow older, it becomes more defined and a bit clearer (although God may change it as He changes your heart)

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