Friday, September 21, 2012

what I've learned....from

when your bundle arrives,
hold out your arms and whisper, here we go
welcome to one of life's great adventures.

i have learned that your baby will love you and need you like nothing you've ever known. i have learned that you don't need to hear a thank you from your tiny one; their contented face is enough. i have learned there is nothing more peaceful than a baby sleeping, and you will run and leap like a leopard to answer your blaring phone in fear the baby will wake up. i have learned to trust my instincts. i have learned to let my husband help out, a lot. even from the first moments, and i'm so glad i did. i have learned to nap when the baby naps. am still doing it, every chance i get. i have learned that babies will figure out their days and nights and eventually they sleep through the nights too. consistency is everything. still, babies go through phases. i have learned to be flexible.

i have learned that you do not need every cool gadget on the market. we borrowed a lot and postponed buying things too. i have learned to be more patient, with feedings and diaper changes and outfit changes and attempting to have a life on the side... embrace the changes. every time benji and i got up at three in the morning, i would tell myself, this situation won't last forever, this is our special time together to get to know each other.i have learned that boxing up all of my cute regular-sized-clothes and not bringing them back out until benji was seven months old was a very very good thing. stretchy pants to the rescue. let me just say, those first days are not pretty. you will have no time to look in the mirror. still, you glow, even though you don't realize it. and thankfully, everyone is looking at your baby, not you.everything will work out with time. your body will eventually stop aching and you will recognize it again someday.

the main thing i've learned is how much a baby changes you. you will grow and bloom and become more than you thought you could be. suddenly you will be up for the challenge, no matter how difficult the challenge may be. all because you have given birth to a new purpose in life. you will now understand why your mother was always so worried about you. you will understand why your dad spent all that extra time with you. you will know what love feels like. you will check on your baby sleeping in the nursery, just to see him again. you won't be able to get enough of him. they call 'em bundles of love because really truly they are bundled up with surprises. it will surprise you how much you laugh. it will surprise you how much you smile. it will surprise you to see their personality unfold. it will surprise you how much they will teach you about life.

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