It's true - when Mark gives a sermon, God hits me harder with its message. Today was no exception...and this ones NEEDS to stick. I distinctly remembr a Resolution List I put together back in 1999 and I found it in 2003 and was reminded how much I desired to change when I wrote it. I found that almost all had been accomplished except for the hard ones illuding to growth/wisdom/discipline.
I still struggle with discipline...obedience & following through and it does all come down to priorities...I choose to use my time to do this rather than this and now I reap the benefits or consequences. Here is my current list, a link to the sermon & the main points.
Kingdom Life: 1) Uncommon lifestyle, 2) Distinctively different Prayer life, 3) Purpose-driven Priorities
I would like to:
* not waste so much time on non-important things or hobbies (oouponing & internet surfing for deals)
* spend money only on budgeted items & necessities (stock-piling is ok at a minimal rate/depending on use)
* give sacrificially & routinely to those friends doing God's work
* focus time on Chazown things (a.k.a. use with my purpose)
- helping people (resources) & growing people (listening & running)
- making gifts
- consistently running & singing (not simultaneously)
- having a clean & non-cluttered home
* keeping those things only needed in the house:
- paper: bills, mementos in proper storage, coupons in binder, notes in boxes, announcements & cards on corkboard
- pictures on walls
- excess toys & clothes = out box
- magazines older than 6 months = out box
- notes = my Remains of the Day book
- ideas = in binder
* remind myself - I have not used it in a year and I will probably not use it - there will always be another deal & if I need it God will provide
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