As days go by and I am faced with even more uncertainty of job-status, career-direction & vision and personal purpose, I am gaining a sense that I need to "pause" and gain joy from my current position.
An odd to thing to think in my book but realizing that I am only 30, yes 30 and that Lord-willing there is more life ahead of me and in my career. I have an opportunity to be productive now by accomplishing things I was not otherwise able to focus on in previous weeks/years while here in this town. I sense a transition time...including more than a few areas in our life, and that my role is changing for Mark once again.
My biggest challenge is to not get caught-up in the uncertainty. My brain and my body reacts to it - so much so that I was scheduled to do a 5 mile run this morning and had absolutely no desire or drive to do it. I let the depression creep in and grip me. It would have been better to have ran just a little than to do none at all.
I have lists and lists of to-dos around and for this house, but I know that I cannot accomplish this alone but I'm not sure what my options are. Here are some:
* transfer pile of sticks & compost to the yard waste are in town (need truck and man-power)
* cut & clear weeds/vines/growth behind shed
* pick weeds out of landscaping
* cut vines over rock siding
* declutter house (entire house - throw-away, donate, sell, give away)
* finish all un-finished house projects:
- touch-up bathroom paint
- paint living room trim & ceiling
- paint kitchen ceiling
- paint closet doors in main bedroom
- sand panelling in guest bedroom area & paint
Just a lot to do and having a struggle determining how and when.
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