“Possibilities”The rock that is an obstacle in the path of one person becomes a stepping stone in the path of another.
Authoring Stories of Resilience: Guidelines from Practice
Systemic counselors are moving toward collaborative and narrative models of therapy. Clients tell us when we are helpful—if we will listen. Counseling becomes a circular process involving “dialogue” between the counselor and the client, as opposed to “pathologizing monologues.” A counselor stance of “curiosity,” where multiple perspectives are entertained, is replacing explanation and attempts to discover an objective reality apart from the input of the client. Counselors more clearly see themselves as part of the treatment system, and examine their part in constructing the “problem story.” Counselor “use-of-self” becomes important, and distinctions are made between counselor “intentionality” and “willfulness.” How do these ideas look in counseling situations? The distinctions between assessment and treatment become blurred as a circular dance evolves between counselor and client. The treatment context is expanded to include the interactions between members of the “languaged system.” Treatment is conducted as a “conversation.” The counselor gives up the “expert position” and becomes a partner with the client in retrieving resources to construct solutions. Questions gather information, introduce “differences,” and facilitate change. Externalizing of the problem generates space for alternative stories in the present. The client’s presentation tells a story. The story is told and retold so that the client becomes his/her own author-ity, or more involved in the construction of his/her story. Client resources are retrieved and the re-authored story includes elements of resilience: competence, courage, hope, forgiveness, humor, etc.
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