Yes it is WOAH, and i wonder, "how is it that I can see us having another child, someday?? how on earth do people do this?

This past Saturday, I went to the CCJ Women's Retreat yesterday and it was a blessing. I'm just so amazed at the stories people have and what we experience and how we all change and how we all get stuck at places.

I truly miss some of my dear friends' in-depth conversations just about ourselves and life and all that comes with it. I hope that we all have friends who can bring out parts of us that see growth in us and be a person to confide in and that they can bring that artsy side of us out and we can remain curious about how our friends "tick" and what their lives are like.
I do think so much of friendship is about curiousity..........

The biggest prayer request for me right now at this very moment is with our cats...yes cats. Mark & I are both about done with them....and all of their furr, their hacking up fur-balls, their peeing on things they should not be peeing on, their laying on the table & coffeetable....their fleas that are dead now and having to clean up after them. It is a big decision for us, because we love them, we don't want to get rid of them and we know that they relieve stress for us. But they are turning us into not-so-nice people. I'll be taking each of them to the vet here this week or next and we'll see. They are pets but they are family members too. It's a weird prayer request but on my heart. And of course all the people I am now seeing in counseling (I'm booked a full month ahead now...if that tells you anything).

We are trying to continually keep "margin" in our life meaning time that is not scheduled and allow ourselves to rest. There is a reason that I do not do this work full-time, it would burn me out and I would become cynical towards people's hurts and stories. I dearly do not want that, so in order to remain passionate and allow time for God to speak to me....this is a part-time passion. WE ALL NEED MARGIN!
We found out the kitties had fleas and the stuff we put on them at first - has been driving them crazy for over 2 weeks and causing a lot of the acting out so we're cleaning everything up and have Frontline on them. I'm kind of a clean-freak right now just because I can't stand the thought of fleas in my house although they are primarily in the kitties' area and not in our rooms. Thanks for prayers!