Monday, September 27, 2010


Stress:— n
1. special emphasis or significance attached to something
2. mental, emotional, or physical strain or tension
3. emphasis placed upon a syllable by pronouncing it more loudly than those that surround it
4. such emphasis as part of a regular rhythmic beat in music or poetry
5. a syllable so emphasized
6. physics
a. force or a system of forces producing deformation or strain
b. the force acting per unit area

A picture that depicts stress and its effects here.
It is a notable experience that is on-going in any of our lives and for some reason it ebbs and flows in my life. This week in particular is becoming very, very stressful. I feel it in my gut, in my sinuses, in my stomach and all around my thoughts. People are hurting and many, as I am finding out, are so desperate that they are not thinking clearly and are even moving towards taking their life. It is also a somewhat desperate feeling for the helper. I know that ultimately I am not in control of this other person's choices and that I present to them logic, rational ideas, and purpose-filled direction. I listen, my heart aches for them and then I have to put up my own boundary in order to cope myself with the feeling I get as well. It is a stressful, helpless feeling that drives me to stare, sometimes isolate or go a little looney with laughing just because the other emotions are harder to deal with (it's sort of life emergency room humor). Sometimes things are hard to cope with and you almost begin to make fun of them or at least make fun of yourself.

1 comment:

  1. I ran 11.5 miles after my stressful week and that REALLY, REALLY helped.
