Sunday, March 7, 2010

The Story of Today

I did well being an imperfectionist Friday - did some fun layouts at a craft get-together at church with some wonderful ladies. Just being our raw selves and enjoying creativity. I was so giddy I couldn't stand it!

So the Story of Today - each day has a story in and of itself. This morning Mark gave a message that was very down to the point of why we are here: For God/Jesus and For Others and how being a servant is more important then just serving. He sat on a ladder (on top) for most of it which made me very nervous though I trust him.

But the big Story of Today may be our basketball banquet. It's an event of memories, thank you's and reminiscing from the coaches (I'd love to talk but usually don't - just never have). And it sums up the season and the last time I'll really see the Seniors together with their team. It's bittersweet and of course I think of so many inspirational things I'd love to write down for these girls but inevitably don't get it done :S. I'd love to tell them why I came back...into the middle/end of the season, what God was doing with me now that I can look back..., how their lives and presence really do impact me..., what hopes I have for each one of them..., the significance that they have in others lives..., and just how precious they are to God. These young ladies are where I've been and although their families are different, where they grew up is slightly different, their personalities are all different and the groups of friends they hang out with are different, we have two things in common: basketball and being a woman in this world. I'd like to say we also have our relationship with Christ in common but I know that is not entirely true. Some are active spectators watching others grow in their faith while they focus more on the world and what the world says. Some go to services but don't really let it hit their heart and some are just blind to how their decisions and comments affect other people.

I'm not naive and although I try and usually do have a rosy view of them, I'd like to think that I can be that person that simply sees the most beautiful parts of them and I can encourage them in that. I don't need to see the bad, nor think about it: we're all human and fall short. I just hope that God has shown something to them through me and my own presence. Whether that be love, grace, encouragement, hope or recreating themselves to be who they desire to be. That is the Story of Today...

1 comment:

  1. Amen Kara, I'm so proud of who you have become and what God has done in your life! I know I had so little to do with it! I am so thankful that God allowed you to be in my life!
