Maybe it is just a Monday. Monday is a hard day for me...maybe because it is the day with the least structure for me. I'm overwhelmed with choices and on any other day I get excited to think about all I could accomplish or do if I only had that Monday back (including rest). Alas, only one day out of the week can be Monday and it is hard. As much as I don't want to admit it - I do better in routine...though it drives me crazy since I'm such a floater. I love spontaneity and freedom (hmmmm I sound like a toddler)...but I know I need routine. I'm unable to have the gumption to really strive on a Monday.
I think I need to chart my days and see the patterns that occur because I'm sure that they are there and definitely need to be changed. There were great things about today and proactive things; such as, Ian learned how to blow kisses at Ambra's and then demonstrated with me on the way home. :) Unfortunately he may have a sinus infection or is getting pink eye :S. The basketball sectional meal was very nice and enjoyable and Ian had a good day all in all; plus, a group was cancelled due to potential weather (which mind you has not come yet). I hate cancelling something but it seemed like the best alternative since my leaders were either sick or apprehensive about the weather.
I'm trying to think of things to look forward to but it is harder to do so...seeing that every month we're just getting by and putting anything away for a vacation is really non-existent though I feel blessed that I was able to do the "what not to wear" thing. I look forward to Ian growing (he can reach the bar table now!!), de-cluttering the house (a never-ending endeavor), mainly spending time with friends and catching up and see my lady wildcats win sectional and play at regionals in our home gym.
It's amazing how someone with so much faith in God, and faith in other people can have such a lack of faith in herself and in her very own abilities. I guess that keeps me humble but it also depresses me at times. Sometimes it is frustrating just to think about all that is in my head and I really shouldn' just confuses me. Thank you that Monday is almost over...and I can start over again on Tuesday. Hello Tuesday.
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