Tuesday, January 19, 2010


We all need them and it is astounding the amount of clients I see that have issues with saying yes or no to particular people in their life just to keep them happy or not wanting to ruffle their features.

Part of the Preface from the upcoming Boundaries Care Group that will be done at our church includes:
"Many people who want to have healthy lives are unsure about when it is appropriate to say no and set limits. They want to have good relationships and grow spiritually, but they often find it difficult to take ownership of their choices, freedom, and responsibilities. In a word, they do not have good boundaries." When confronted about their lack of boundaries, these people raise important questions:
*Can I set limits and still be a loving person?
*What if my boundaries upset or hurt someone?
*What can I say to someone who wants my time, love, energy or money?
*Whey do I feel guilty or afraid when I consider setting boundaries?
*Are boundaries selfish?
*Why is it difficult for me to hear no from people?

Our goal is to help people use healthy boundaries appropriately to achieve the relationships and purposes that God intends for you. We want to help people see how boundaries operate in relationhips, in tasks and in your spiritual life.

Boundaries result in Freedom --- I'm still workin' it for me

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