I am continually amazed by what happens when we leave our environments and our daily rhythms and we GO AWAY. So WORTH IT.
This past weekend I felt seen, knew I was heard and cared for. I didn't have to force any conversations and simply remained curious about the stories of others.
I learned about where I am, who I am and most importantly WHO GOD IS.
Remembering who God is totally puts life into a lens that helps me see...where I fit in this world and in God's story.
We shared and read through scripture and focused on the bigger picture. The PERSPECTIVE that we all need in order to continue in vocational ministry and really in our walk with Jesus Christ regardless of what is happening in our world, in our churches and even in our immediate families.
I am reminded that I am very, VERY hard on myself and expect a lot of myself to the point that I will shut myself down because I have spinning my wheels so-to-speak. If I can't meet my own expectations or intentions then I think in an all-or-nothing mentality that steals my joy and distorts my heart.
I do have other women I can speak with who can relate to my family's experiences as well as my own experience in my marriage. Some of them work outside the home and the church, some are right alongside their husbands or strictly in their homes.
Some are fully enmeshed in our ministries and some of us are detached living our own lives and walking a parallel path to those in the church. We are real, authentic and completely unique. We all pursue Christ AND it looks different.
In looking at the three most needed and utilized prayers:
I can see that I have been in different seasons where THANKS and WOW were at the center of my prayers. But in this season I feel like HELP sums it up. HELP Lord for us to grow in our marriage, HELP Lord for me to surrender control in my child's life, HELP Lord me to trust you in the direction you desire for me professionally, HELP me see what you want me to see Lord and not be distracted by worry, the shiny things of this life or what could happen.
Who is my God? according to this passage?
Joy is "A pervasive and constant sense of well-being that is infused with hope because of the goodness of God." --Dallas Willard.
As I was walking with two women around the frozen lake in the cold wind sharing our stories, one said a phrase that will remain in my heart. It was a phrase that meant so much to me because in my previous work I experienced secondary trauma and remained bewildered as to how to best handle the dynamic of family life, life in general and intense professional work with others.
She said, "Hold their story while you are present, be present, but do not Carry it with you, release it."
YES! YES! Hold in presence but do not carry. We all are accountable to carry our own "stuff". I am prone to carry another woman's heartache or suffering but I cannot do that and also live my own life and walk my own path with God. She has to walk her own path and choose which way she goes. I can't stand there with her and try to help dig her a new path while I try to also go on my own with God.
Have HOPE IN THE LORD --> New Beginnings -- New Stories ==> New Adventures
6 D's that Derail Us from our Walks with God
- Doubt -> Disillusioned -> Distorted -> Discouraged -> Depression -> Despair
What is it that Keeps Us going?
His faithfulness...
His promises...
His provision...
His comfort
Survival Strategies for the Long Haul - How Do We Finish Well?
These were so good and so helpful.