Wednesday, January 19, 2022

What's In a Title?


  • Say/imply who the book is for
  • Tell the reader what they will get out of the book
  • Catch the reader’s attention
  • Avoid being cute or gimmicky

From Hurt to Hope: Learning How to Heal Through, Not Out of Your Pain

From Hurt to Hope: Learning to Heal THROUGH Your Pain, Not OUT


Heal Through It: How to Move Forward When You Are Stuck

Healing the Hurt: 4 Practices that Will Move You Forward

Stop the Stuck: 4 Steps to Move Forward in Healing Through Pain

Release the Pain: Stories of Surrender

Receive the Insight: Stories of Support

Resolve to Heal: Stories of Determination

Reach Out to Help: Stories of Resilience/Risk

Monday, January 17, 2022

Hello 2022 :: 2021 Reflection

Welcome to 2022 :: Short story, I was attacked by a dog 1/3/22 while running so cards went out late and this reflection is just now being done. 

2021 brought inspiration and various challenges (so a normal year for us): 

  • Mark wrote a book “Simple Preaching Prep”, is due to release March 1st, 2022 on Amazon.
  • Kara continues to write her non-fiction book “Hurt to Hope: The Way is Through, Not Out” (working title) and ran more in the Fall to build a base back.
  • Ian began 7th grade and in his free time enjoys watching WWE, playing computer games and wrestling with his stuffed wrestling dummy so he doesn’t hurt his brother.
  • Elijah began 3rd grade, remains fascinated by dinosaurs, digging for gem stones and fossils, and playing Roblox in his free time.
  • Katie is 6 years old now, loves to cuddle in your face, bait Ivy into take her raw-hides so she can grab them back and continues to love car rides.
  • Ivy is a year and half and has been with us for a year. She is still all puppy, sits like a princess and growls like bear. She is very submissive and pees upon meeting strangers.
  • We are very grateful for God’s peace and His humor in these times. We look forward to see how His hand works this year. Much Love to you! 
  • The Messmores

Monday, January 10, 2022

Sorting Through a Position Statement for My Book

"This is a [WHAT] that does [WHAT] for [WHO] because [WHY]." -Ryan Holiday, Perennial Seller

This is a personal development book that shows how to move from a hurtful and stuck place to hopeful and hope-filled perspective for people who have been through great disappointment because so many become stuck and jaded and stop truly living.

This is a practical guide for people stuck in survival-mode, even wanting "out" of life to move from deep hurt to a hope-filled life that can help others, even save a life and make the world a kinder place. 

What is the WHY for your book? Why is it needed right now? Why are you motivated to write this book?What next steps do you want to take with your book - proposal 

This guide is needed right now because more people are experiencing depression and anxiety at higher rates and living in survival-mode. Many are even choosing suicide to escape their pain. 

I am motivated through my own story of great disappointment and hurt by those closest to me whom I thought were my friends. I went through my own process of feeling very stuck and ready to give up to ultimately resolving to heal and reaching out to help others to hold on despite their pain.

The next step I would like to take with this book is to create a book proposal including the outline which I have begun working on.

We will work through a process of releasing pain, receiving help, resolving to heal and reaching out to help others. Our universal point of connection is that we all have experienced pain in one or more seasons of our life. We all can become stuck and be susceptible to giving up and wanting out. It is important for us to persevere and keep going.

Saturday, January 1, 2022

2022 Word of the Year

I would like to welcome 2022 with cordial high five. 
Thank you for showing up and being present in humanity.
The Word to embody 2022 is...

I chose this word for 2022 because it kept popping up in my head and I feel a need to simply sit with it and figure out what that actually means. It's not just nutritionally (which has often been a focus for many years for me) but internally in my brain my heart and moreso in my soul. Nourishing our soul while not going too deep into ourselves and helping to nourish the souls of others. 

2021 proved to be a challenging year as many of my friends went through various hardships and transitions. Walking with others in pain and in transition is no easy task. It is a day by day surrender of my will and my ambition. I will not say that I did it seamlessly nor unselfishly, because I am human. I feel that God chose to use this time, to show me various areas of my life that needed to be worked on and discussed. Boundaries has been one of the biggest conversations I have had with God. 

The question of, where do I begin and where do I end? What is doable for me at this time to give? How might I navigate deep friendship while remaining myself. There is no easy answer and many times I felt that I had fallen short. But there is grace.

So yes, this is a stART.