I am stumped. I want to release, in fact I want to experience a "release revolution" in my life. So much so, that I want to be able to part with more than half of the possessions I own.
On the surface, most cannot see the tension in me or this intention because it has not played out in physical, tangible results in our home yet. Oh sure, here and there some things have been sold, given away, donated, picked up by the Veterans of America or traded for something of more use.
But Simplicity and Minimalism keep knocking on my mental and emotional home in my brain. So much so, that three years ago I declared "I'm ready to let this all go..." Um, there is way more to it than that I have found.
I can be impulsive, but this has grown less fruitful in my mind as I age. And I've always liked being "frugal"...well that just meant MORE STUFF for less money. I grew up thinking, "if I only could get that or experience that, then..." Now that I'm older and I can decide to actually get that or experience that...I have allowed myself to do so on occasions when it probably wasn't the wisest timing. AND IT'S ACCUMULATED.
A packing party seems completely appropriate; however, letting go of my childhood, high school, college and young adult items have still proven EXTREMELY difficult. And I think I know why now...it occurred to me that even though I felt like I was going through my own hell at times...that ultimately I want to hold onto Innocent childhood, naïve Kara; I really respect and like the Kara who persevered through high school even with an eating disorder and ADHD (her writings are intense & emotionally raw awesomeness)...who endured extreme self-sabotage in college even while playing basketball and then moved on to re-create herself in graduate school to receive multiple master's degrees. The last one...still amazes me.
Motherhood flattened me to my deepest core which has held the biggest blessings and the deepest lows. Caring for others is HARD. Taking responsibility is hard, but this post isn't about that.
It's about recognizing what is holding me back. How might our life be better with LESS?
* we would be able to decide what to do (less stuff to choose from)
* we would read the books we have because there aren't that many or re-read classics & read others from the library
* we would be able to move more efficiently (if we did move houses)
* we would know exactly what we might need b/c if we didn't have it, then we could budget for it or just buy it
* our eyes would be less distracted
* I would feel less weightedness thinking that I need to arrange, clean or organize things
* I would not even think about giving "this" or "that" to someone - it would be IMMEDIATE because I'm not using it which would save brain space and instead I could simply give them the gift of time or a phone call
* less choice
* less mess
* less prep
* more space (physically, emotionally, mentally and likely spiritually)
* more animation and creativity
* possibly a release of past identities with acceptance of what has gone and anticipation of what is to come
* I wouldn't have to think of maximizing every single item, cherishing the memories by putting them in boxes
* wouldn't have to think about where picture frames would go and how to rotate pictures and what to do with the current photos
* I'd become more select with what comes into my home; thus, more focused
* calm exploration versus TASKS
* more miracles and surprises would be noticed