The first REFuel Challenge Group beginning in March greatly appreciated and interactive; thus, I'm opening up ANOTHER group beginning pre-season March 20th.
Here's the plan. Refuel...
Here's the plan. Refuel...
it's not enough to remain on Empty and it's not enough to recognize that you are leaning down that path as you help others and help your families.
There is time that needs to be taken to REFUEL you and to REINVEST in you. It's not selfish as long as your motive is to continue to help others. However, in order to do that, certain life-giving things need to happen in your life.
This is challenge group (pre-season begins next week) and the official start begins on Monday March 27th comes into the picture.
A passion that is developing for me now that I have endured through several years of burn-out is how to help others (moms and professionals) to REFUEL while doing their jobs.
This is a very small group and with only me as your coach so it's a safe place of accountability and of growth.
Each member is part of a bigger picture of encouragement to one another through consistently showing up in their own lives and moving towards their bravest versions.
The investment includes a one-month order of Shakeology to Fuel your body while practicing a healthy eating plan along with pursuing a fitness program. The All Access Beachbody on Demand Pass is the best deal and gives you access to 100's of workout sessions and full fitness programs.
This group will also provide refueling for your mind and for your soul through daily posts. Recipes and meal plan example are also given freely.