Monday, April 28, 2014

When God Engages you for this world...if you decide to Pull This Thread

Unravel to the ends of the earth...

I have to say that hearing these words in this video from Jen Hatmaker gives me chills. I have tears behind my eyes and my heart beats faster. I know that once we pull the thread of our current awareness and of our current security in this world that it will unravel, beautifully and with rawness.

I truly desire this and know that He is calling us (Mark & I) to let the strings of our view of this world to unravel and view it the way he does. as well. Because then the questions begin to roll off my tough. I feel like we have been moving towards this within the last few years after reading Radical and then when I went through "7": A Mutiny Against Excess but if I really, really press myself I am still currently living in comfort and I'm living in security. I rest in these two spaces and for that I know my heart is drawn towards this change.

It's the kind of change where you're on the seat of your pants looking into what's next while living in the present, depending on His presence each moment because you just can't fathom the next step.

It's foreign to this world, FOREIGN. When God engages Kara Sue Price Messmore for this world...she won't know what hit her...only that the Love of Jesus Christ so overwhelms her heart and her soul that she has no choice but to move in the direction of her Savior and begin to share the gospel in ways she didn't know that she could.

It's having compassion for those who are manipulative. It's knowing boundaries and giving grace. It's being the hands and feet of one whom knows all, sees all and has control over all. Be the change you want to see in the world God's way.

It's the 9-10-11 year old coming out of me who just knows that I'm suppose to do something more in the world. She is bold, she is fierce and she is loving. She wants to "pull the thread" so to speak. She wants to step out and step up to His vision for her life, to her becoming the woman He desires, to be more than the world destines her to be, to be more than the profession says she is and to be the Kara, the daughter of the King, the wife, the mother, the friend that He desires for her to become.

I know she's's just a matter of time and obedience that may determine how quickly she will allow Him to break the mold. Oh....goodness....this is real.

Monday, April 14, 2014

Meaning of my full name

The name Kara means 'beloved, friend, dear, diamond and pure'. It is a female's name that has its origin from the Latin.

Kara - Meaning: Sweet melody. Origin: Irish
Meaning: One who is pure. Origin: Greek
Meaning: Precious one, beloved one, Cherished One. Origin: Italian
Kara, the alternative spelling, is from theCornish word, meaning love. This is likely cognate to the popular Welsh girls' nameCarys.
The name is also that of an island in the Inner Hebrides island group, ScotlandCara Islandlying just off the southern tip of the Isle of Gigha.
In Turkey the word Kara means 'dark', which may or may not be related to the Gaelic Ciaraof the same meaning.
Hebrew Meaning: 
The name Sue is a Hebrew baby name. In Hebrew the meaning of the name Sue is: Graceful lily.
American Meaning: 
The name Sue is an American baby name. In American the meaning of the name Sue is:Graceful lily.
English Meaning: 
The name Sue is an English baby name. In English the meaning of the name Sue is: Lily.. In the apocryphal Book of Tobit Susannah courageously defended herself against wrongful accusation. White lilies grew in the Biblical city of Susa in Persia.


Thus, sweet melody, beloved one, precious one, pure, graceful lily.

Sunday, April 6, 2014

Marriage Builders Weekly :: Sex in Marriage

Sex brings more pleasure and satisfaction to marriage than anything else. And sex causes more disagreements and frustration in marriage than anything else.
Sex is one of the main reasons we get married…and sexual problems are one of the main reasons people get divorced.
When I talk about sex to married couples, I like to refer to it as both a thermostat and a thermometer. In your home, you control the temperature by turning the thermostat up or down. Sex heats up a marriage. It makes it better.
Sex can also be a marriage thermometer: it tells the temperature. If the sex is bad or infrequent, then a married couple probably isn't communicating well. You may have stress, or unresolved anger, or a host of other issues. Poor sex is a symptom of these problems.
For more on this topic watch this week's show
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So a married couple's sex life not only can make their marriage better, but can also reveal whether or not they have problems. What kind of sex life do you and your spouse have? What does it reveal about your marriage?
I believe there are three truths that we need to understand about sex. The first is that God created sex for pleasure and lifelong enjoyment. Our God is a fun God! He wants us to enjoy sex in marriage.
The second is that God gave us sexual boundaries to protect us. Just like vehicles come with an owner's manual that tells us what not to do, God gave us sex but set parameters for it. Things like adultery, fornication, incest, and lust—the Bible says these things are wrong.
No one gets mad because their owner's manual says to put oil in their Fords every few thousand miles. No one says, "Ford Motor Company doesn't want me to have any fun!" Ford wants us to treat the car right so we can enjoy it.
God is the same with sex. His rules aren't to keep us from having fun, but from getting hurt. He wants our bodies to be places of pleasure and delight for our spouses…but for no one else.
The third truth I believe about sex is that God created our sexual differences to make marriage more fulfilling and dynamic. Men and women are very different sexually. For men, sex stimulates our emotions. For women, emotions stimulate sex. We're two halves of a whole.
A woman becomes more sexual as her husband becomes more romantic and emotional. At the same time, men tend to open up more emotionally when their wives become more sexual. It all works together.
Because sex is so important, I tell couples that there are five basic ingredients of a healthy sex life. Husbands and wives should:
  1. Commit to meeting their spouse's sexual needs.
  2. Communicate their sexual needs to their spouse.
  3. Commit to sexual purity (thoughts and actions) to protect the integrity of their marriage.
  4. Be honest and accountable about temptations that can hurt a marriage.
  5. Refuse to be close friends with those who violate the marriage covenant.
Those ingredients will keep a couple's sex life active, fulfilling, and healthy. God created sex in marriage to be an Eden of pleasure and delight. Embrace it. Talk about it. Pursue it within the safe boundaries of your marriage. And most of all, enjoy it together.
For more about this topic, watch this week's show!