This year's Christmas message is not one that I mailed out but is equally fun and interesting to look back on the year and reminisce. It was our first full year in Troy, Ohio and we have been here now since March of 2012.
It has been a wonderful and different adjustment for us as we have navigated through buying our 2nd home (moved in February of this year), growing through Elijah's first year of life, and continually re-establishing a family routine through each season.
Mark is active and balancing his ministry as the lead minister with Troy Christian Church and has quite a "unique" staff (for those of you who know them, you know I'm right). He continues to pray for wisdom and guidance as the church moves forward. I am continually amazed at how God works through Him and how Mark remains himself at home and in front of many people.
I (Kara) have been somewhat surprised at God's timing with this current season in my life and have been doing and experiencing full-time social work at Miami Valley Hospital in Dayton since May of 2012. I have missed doing therapy but have found that with two little guys at home, medical social work fits much better with routine and with stability right now.
Mark and I both continue to run and try to keep a "base" of running so that we can just pick up and do races but have found running to be less exhilarating as it used be. Nonetheless, I was able to run a couple of half marathons this year (one with my friend Rachel which was so exciting and one where I didn't have expectations but ended up finishing very close to my PR!). Mark ran one in the Spring and is now refocusing to see what he really wants to do.
Ian is now five years old (as of yesterday) and he is full into playing with Teenage Mutant Ninja turtles, Marvel superheros and dinosaurs. He tries to rhyme everything it seems or make up words which at times...doesn't sound like a good word unfortunately. We love him just the same and continue to correct and discipline while he continues to develop quite a sense of humor.
Elijah is 15 months and is fully trying to speak all of our words. His most common words are "tank coo" = thank you, "uh oh" = uh oh, "baa" = ball; (sounds like a hiss) = kitty and of course momma and dadda. We haven't figured out what he calls Ian yet.

On a deeper level, it's been a high and low year of rediscovering simple things and most important things. For me especially, purging of the things that I do not need (at least starting-including emotions, material things,) and redefining who I am as a daughter in Christ. I was blessed to go to a Leading and Loving It "Re:treat" in Nashville, TN this Fall. God's opening my heart's eyes to emotional things (hard to explain)-boldness, going "All-In" but it is kind of rocking my world, my worldview and how I do "life" and holidays. So if you ever see me singing a song and I just start bawling (no it's not hormones - I'm good there), I'm really ok - just releasing some emotions and letting myself connect more deeply with my Creator so no biggy.
Mark has several things that he is praying about as well (but I'll let him share those on his own social media site and in his own time).
We wish all a Merry Christmas and pray for real transformation. The kind of transformation that creates change and shakes the gates of hell. Boldness that includes abandonment of old ways of thinking that keep a person stuck. And a raw realness that comes with vulnerability. I pray this for anyone who might read this message. It's an adventure!!