I worked all day and it wasn't until around 5:00 pm that I decided "I wonder if I should call my OB? See a couple days before I didn't feel you much and it scared me so I went to my doctor and they checked to make sure you were ok and you were once I stopped and sat down. So again I worked all day and did various tasks but apparently (per my coworkers) I was pretty big since I was so pregnant. Well at 5, I thought maybe I should call; however, I didn't want to have to stay in "observation" or just get sent home for nothing so I went home with contractions at 6 minutes apart. You were "due" on October 1st so I figured I could lay down and they would stop. Well, they didn't and daddy had to make a hospital call so mommy and Ian went to Drew and Emily Dodd's house to just hang out. Well, my contractions went to 4:00 minutes apart so I texted you to come back quick and you did. We drove to the hospital and registered and went up to the room. We arrived about 8:40pm. You were born at 12:52 am on a Friday morning. And it was beautiful day. I was so in love with you as they laid you on my chest. I couldn't stop starring at you.
Ian was so excited to meet you!! He knew your name very well and just kept smiling at you.
You slept for awhile but course the one day where the photographer comes in - you were circumcised that morning and weren't too happy about the whole ordeal.
So a year has gone by now and you have grown so much!
Right now you are:
* walking, walking...almost running -- you picked up walking pretty quick beginning September 6th and within one week you were starting to try to move very fast and steadily
* you are attempting to mimic more words and grunt when you want something
* you clap readily and occasionally wave when it to your liking
* you are on 2% milk now!!
* you are finally catching on to sipping cups though would favor the bottle any day
* your routine is pretty flexible for the most part because it has to be (1 or 2 naps in the day)
* you are wearing size 5 shoes and 18 month clothes!!
* your favorite fruit appears to be PEARS right now
* you still really like your stage 3 foods
* your first full meal with us of solid foods was: corn casserole, sweet potato fries, turkey burgers
* your first official dessert was ice cream on your birthday
* you just now had your first cupcake ---- cake will be at your party this Saturday with family!
* your personality is one of observance and then you get quite vocal when comfortable
* you definitely have your attachment issues coming out --- won't let go of daddy & mommy when in the mist of others
* your first ouchie included a black eye due to Ian throwing a remote at you - his motive remains unknown besides being scientific (? inertia maybe?)
* it is still a wrestling match with you when changing your diaper unless you are tired ("s-t-r-e-t-c-h" seems to work often)
* you perk up when seeing the kitties
First taste of desserts...
We love you, you're my little "nugget!!"