Friday, September 30, 2011


"mommy the sun is laying's time for it to go to bed"
~ Ian's comment towards the sunset. :)

Saturday, September 24, 2011

{31} a Birthday

I was able to take some time through driving and through writing to reflect on year 30. It was an interesting moment to recognize that although there have been some very low times in this past year; overall (with God's strength and guidance) it was a pretty spectacular year with many achievements and changes in focus and heart.

In year 30, I took on the challenge of {Resolve} in consistently working out and moving. Some of this was part of marathon training, some of stress-relief, my own therapy and discipline and time with God.

And I'm on-call with the hospital this weekend and just got called in so.......I will finish this post later ;)

Sunday, September 18, 2011

{Chicago}: Sept. 12-14

As it goes - I haven't written in awhile and that is ok. My Chicago trip with Jill celebrating friendship, a little of my birthday and just getting away has imprinted itself on my mind. There's something about leaving your normal routine and environment that shifts the everyday mindset. You discover new things and miss other things. As much as I love the city, and I do: the hussle and bussle, the different faces and streets, the walking all the time and viewing God's creation from a different point-of-view...I welcomed back the simplicity of home, of medium-sized town, of driving town roads & state routes, of friends being near, and of not being too distracted (I hear God's voice louder in the quiet).

I'm posting some of my favorite pictures from the trip and even did a little book for Jill which I admittedly love! It has our pictures, maps and some other memoriabilia from the trip. I placed receipts in mine and other clippings. Here they are...
Crate & Barrell!

Tastebud Tour: Gold Coast Dog
Tastebud Tour: Sugar Bliss {Cupcake Boutique}

[on 14 mile run] Content Kara

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Today & Purpose

Wrote this to a friend today:
"it feels like forever that I have written a post! Purpose is an area of my life where it ebbs and flows...there are months where I think it's clicking and it is and then He moves me again to see that my purpose only lies in Him and often that means removing the present task in front of me to help me realize it is ONLY through Him. It's just this unsettled feeling and way of being that I try to learn through and move through but inevitably it rocks me to my core and frankly frustrates me....then I regroup and allow Him to move me rather than force my way through it with my pride as I have done so many times before. Humility waits... Hey I think I'll post that - that is exactly where I'm at....waiting..."

"It's good to know I'm not alone - especially on the motherhood front. I am so out of my element when it comes to mommy-isms and definitely not any type of picture of a regular mom - but then I think there is no one type of mom, we're all soooo different as our children are. I'd love to hear about any learnings or thoughts you have on where you're at and how your purpose continually develops!"

Thursday, September 8, 2011

6 Weeks

As I am finding out a LOT changes in 6 weeks...

6 weeks ago I was working a week at the hospital and waiting to hear back if I had gotten a full-time job at a university to teach training run was at 9 miles after doing a 16-miler the week before, I remember it being hot, I packed my lunch each day very healthily and felt really good.

Fast forward 6 weeks, I am no longer counseling at CCJ, did not get that full-time job, am working at the hospital every Monday & filling in whenever, have a 20 miler tomorrow, and am beginning this new study "He Speaks to Me: Preparing to Hear the Voice of God" by Priscilla Shirer.

AND I'm begining to wonder what on earth will be changing for us in 6 more weeks...we might know of a new direction...will have just finished a mini-marathon or my 5th full marathon (depending on my desire & fitness) in Indy and may be preparing to work more hours at the hospital.

6 Weeks a lot day at a time...oh and I'll be 31 years old by then! Wow year 30 went by so fast!

Monday, September 5, 2011

Story: Cookout & 1st S'more!

Ian eats with good company (Justin excluded). During this cookout at the Weisman's Ian also experience his first S'more (pictures to come later!)

Saturday, September 3, 2011

The Beginning of our Fall...

* dreaming of leaves/colors/sweatshirts

* football, football, OSU football
* clearing out the outdoor areas
* changing of colors in my mind
* my birthday is comin' up! (3-1)
* upcoming trips & races
- Chicago with Jill
- OSU football game & family visit
- Indy Race (marathon/mini-marathon)
- another mini-marathon race?
- Thanksgiving
* shopping for warmer running clothes
* new shoes for Ian!

Therapy..the experience.

A definition for therapy:
going from single to multi-dimensional perspectives, creating possibilities, seeing many different facets (or personal strengths), and recognizing underlying patterns (resources) beyond what is immediately apparent on the surface

from Michael Yapko's view on Hypnosis (not a fan of hypnosis but this essentially is what is experienced during therapy)